hearts of iron : la résistance
Client: Paradox Interactive
Production: Istudios Visuals
Illustrations:: Erik Nykvist, Johannes Othen
Sound Mix & Music: Holmquist Tonalitet
Announcement & Release Trailer
For these trailers, we made good use of projecting our illustrations on meshes in a 3D-world and to achieve the sketched look in the beginning we also used Blender’s grease pencil on models.
“La Résistance adds secret agents, espionage missions and new options for resistance movements to Hearts of Iron IV, the popular grand strategy wargame from Paradox Development Studio. Send agents into dangerous territory to decipher enemy secrets or prepare the ground for your invasion by propping up collaborators who will be happy for any taste of power.”
Release Trailer
Agency: Bond Street Film
Production: Istudios Visuals